About the


Highlighting five prisoners of conscience cases, these individuals are unjustly imprisoned or persecuted simply for practicing their faith. Their stories are a stark reminder of the ongoing fight for religious freedom around the world.

The #FaithUnchained Campaign is a call to action to amplify their voices and demand their immediate release. Together, we can push for justice and ensure that no one is silenced for their beliefs.

The campaign will call on advocates from all corners of the international religious freedom movement to use their platforms to raise awareness through a pre-planned social media strategy and the opportunity to opt in to individual multi-faith letters calling for the urgent release of these prisoners of conscience.

Religious Prisoners of Conscience

Fayzulla Agzamov


Rohan Ahmad


Yahaya Sharif-Aminu


Y Quynh Bdap


Gao Zhisheng



Interested in collaborating together? Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to work together with you!